It took me three years and five months to complete the Toastmaster Competent Communicator manual by doing 10 prepared speeches. For the last one, like the other two, I had no time to prepare, so I winged the 8-10 minute speech. I talked about my public speaking journey. How I used to be so shy that I’d never talk to anyone. When I did, I’d stutter and grow frustrated. And so, I shunned social interactions because I was bad at it. Instead, I retreated into written words because it was safe there. The world created with total control in my own mind.
I grew up. I got a job. I had to learn to be a better speaker without freaking out all the time. Such stage fright. Having to over prepare and stressing over for what, exactly.
So I made a decision to join the Toastmasters. Do you know how many speeches it took to take away my fear of speaking? The first one. Because nothing bad happened. No one poked fun. I won the best prepared speech of the night with the Ice Breaker. I was better than my insecurities.
After I completed the last one, CC10, the members congratulated me with a standing ovation. Humility and gratefulness took over.
Now, I can move on to a different challenge.