The way we live

The way we live has not caught up with the realities of today.

Why must we get 12 years of secondary education followed by 4 years of university degree before getting a job that pays well? Why do we learn the things that don’t add value? Why do we drill useless facts when an instant search engine can give us the answer? Why don’t we learn to solve real life problems?

Why don’t we learn skills to live a fulfilling and meaningful life? Why don’t we teach etiquette and time management? How can someone be a certified accountant but doesn’t know how to manage his own finances? How can so many of us so much debt and no savings to fall back?

Why don’t we learn to be better listeners? Why can’t we communicate effectively? Why can’t we make small changes that’ll lead to big differences?

Why do we consume processed food to save time but spend more hours and money to lose the weight? Why don’t we eat real and unadulterated food? Why don’t we invest in our health instead of using fads, pills and schemes to fix the problems caused by our bad eating habits?

Why do we invent apps and products to save time, yet waste time staring at screens all day?

Why do we streamline and automate processes to remove jobs when there is so much unemployment? Who asked for these gadgets? Who asked for rapid check-out without human cashiers? Who asked for hardware to replace the soft and kind-hearted people of yesterday?

Why is the world so unequal and so unfair? The world is getting less equal and less fair?

It could be worse.

I am grateful for all that I have. Having clean air to breathe. Clean water to drink. Enough food to eat. A shelter over my head. Disposable income for life’s small pleasures. Amazing people. Some not so amazing, but such is life. Job. Able body. Able mind.

It could be better.

We can do less so we can do more of the things that matter.