People are trying their luck at dictatorship in the first world. The third world. The middle earth. Before we lay blame, let’s take a hard look at ourselves.
We voted them into power. Worst yet, some of us didn’t even care to vote.
We didn’t unite. We did not put up a fight before it was too late to rein them in.
Their reign too great; their army grows strong.
There is Korean fable that goes something like this:
A group of frogs grew tired of their kind of leadership. They wanted a leader who was different from them. Who looked better and knew more.
And so, they asked a swan to join them in their swamp. They forged an expensive crown and laid it atop of her glamorous head.
The swan happily accepted. The swan ate its subjects. The swan devoured them all.
Is it ever too late to resist?
Without resistance, you’ll be plucked and consumed by the one you trusted.