Poor vs. Rich

The gap widens between those with money and the rest of us. Aside from the obvious (shrinking middle class, loss of traditional job markets, lack of access to capital, etc), there is a fundamental difference in how we view money.   

It’s no wonder the rich grow richer while regular folk continue to live hand to mouth.

Where do you see yourself between the Regular and Rich folk spectrum? Is money evil? Do you feel uncomfortable talking about money with your loved ones? Are you investing towards the future? Are you most worried about having a ‘6-month emergency fund’ above all else? Do you have unpaid credit card bills? Do you know how much you’re worth today?

Do you want to get better with money? And don’t know how? I’m no expert, but I see myself on the right of regular folk spectrum. The little I know is through self-research but application of knowledge has lagged for far too long. I’m going to take the plunge to become a better investor. Please feel free to join me on my journey towards money happiness.