One page at a time

Write every day. At the same time. At the same place. Generate at least a page a day.

Vonnegut, King, and Grisham. They all say the same thing about writing. Why not listen to the experts? I am! Look at the letters appearing on my screen. Are you as excited as I am?

I place the newly purchased desk next to the second-hand bed, and the bed next to a big bright window. It’s quiet, and I have no itch to be elsewhere. Maybe the gym? It can wait.

The laptop went kaput again on Wednesday, and I have a loaner. It’s better in terms of size, weight and the keys spring back every time the finger commands a letter. It used to belong to the CEO. I wonder if he did the two finger shuffle.

The loaner wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for the lady who provides technical support to the executive staff. We have a great relationship. She gives me the loaner without me asking.

I am nothing without the people behind me. The support they provide. Relationships based on trust and respect. Often, the most important relationships are overlooked. The support staff (technicians, personal assistants, and secretaries) determines who and when the plebes can see the big boss. They are often overlooked. Instead of being respected, they are commanded upon.

They talk to the big boss all the time, and drop comments about the people that come their way. All based on their own personal experience. They’re good judges of character, and their expertise is unquestionable. Some say I’m manipulative. They say that I’m only nice to them to get stuff out of them.

I’m nice because they deserve to be treated with the same respect I extend to the CEO. Because they are a valued member of the workforce, and they too, are doing difficult jobs to get their bosses from point A to Z on a daily basis. Let’s not forget how important they are to ensure highest productivity of the people who must make difficult decisions every day.

People forget how critical they are to the company. To their bosses. To the rest of us. And so, I treat them with respect, and they return the favor.

It’s not give and take. Give, give and give. Then give a bit more. You may be surprised at what you get back one day, especially if you give without expectations.