A trip to the M&M’s World at Times Square. Three floors filled with candy and M&M branded merchandise ranging from pajamas to handbags (who buys this crap? Enough to pay the rent mid midtown).
We ascend to the second floor to claim our prize: M&M candy. So… many… people… Why are there so many people here? Why am I here (with a friend getting stuff for her kid)? People are filling their transparent plastic bags with chocolate covered goodness. An employee shouts, “People, I’m trying to help you out here. If you buy candy, you can get this *holding up M&M branded candy dispenser* for $15”
What a bargain, said I never.
I make a purchase. A thing of candy just set me back $15.89. Incredulous, I take my bag and walk out. The chocolate covered candy monster got to me too!