CV writing

We lament. But we don’t put in the hours. We don’t do the work.

I offer CV advice for free to a selected few. The CV usually starts with “Private and Confidential curriculum vitae of so and so”. Page 1 wasted.

After initial feedback and coaching, the CV doesn’t drastically improve. It’s full of job descriptions and free marketing of the company he/she works for. It lacks the personal spice. What did you do to make things better? How did you make a difference? What sets you apart?

It takes me an average 23 seconds to reject a resume/CV. It takes 90 seconds to toss it into maybe pile. 2 minutes for a firm yes.

Usually, when the first page simply states the name, the rest of content is hardly a page turner. It’s inconsiderate of the reader as I need to figure out how this person fit into the overall organization and how she added value.

How do you make it better? My guidelines are as follows.

  1. Ask yourself. Do you want to read it?
  2. Then ask. What do you think of your CV, if you were the hiring manager?
  3. Contact details should be clear and concise. Include your name, email, phone, and the city of residence. You don’t have to include the following labels: email, phone, and address. If someone can’t tell that your email address is , you don’t want to work for that person/company
  4. Number the pages on the bottom.
  5. Formatting and readability matters. If you have multiple sections, all sections/headers should all look the same. Avoid multiple formatting/colors and font sizes.
  6. Be concise and specific. Avoid jargon.
  7. Instead of stating your job description, tell us what you achieved: Situation, Action, Result.
  8. If you don’t tell us, we won’t know what you did. We never will because you won’t be invited to interview.

In closing, do the work. It takes at least 6 revisions to make it better. Revise it. Sleep on it. Look at it again. Share with others for honest feedback.

Do the work! Do the work!