Cubic perspectives

Imagine watching a movie with someone you know. Have you noticed them laughing out loud when you don’t understand why? You are shocked when they barely notice? You are startled when they are calm?

Same movie. Different reactions. Why is that? We see vastly different images in our brains based on our angle of attack, sensitivity to light and sound, past experiences and current state of emotions.

Although we seemingly share same events, the way in which we experience them is unique.

Imagine a cube with different color on each side. The most you can see is 3 sides at once. So you see, red, yellow and green. Someone else sees it from a different angle. He sees red, blue and black. Someone sees blue, black and white. We are presented with the same objective, but at different angles.

Who is right? Everyone and no one.

Even a six sided cube has sides we are unable to see, for as long as we stay stationary. For as long as the cube doesn’t change its sides.

So how can we expect to understand a three dimensional human being? Under layers of skin and subconsciousness is the complex human who is always learning about himself and the world. If he doesn’t know who he is, what chances do we have to have true understanding of this strange human? The only way is through continued engagement, communication, listening to understand, moving together to expose layers that peels off only when catalyzed, and lots of patience. Even then, given the dynamic nature, we will never understand. And that’s ok.