Blessed – thank you

I wish I could dial back the clock and prevent the accident. Go on that safari. But some good came of it.

A friend came to get us as soon as I called her. A four hour drive.

Another friend drove eight hours to reach us.

A friend found a place for me to stay the night while the three were admitted. She even sent some money for the night’s stay.

Family back home did everything they could.

Few work friends help me sort out the insurance.

Everyone gave words of encouragement and asked what they could do.

Even the radiology administrator: Michael. His daughter and I have the same birthday. He volunteers to work every new years and Christmas.  Everyone let me charge my phone off of their desktops. Everyone was kind enough to offer condolences. The guy at the pharmacy backdated the meds because the day I got the prescription, I was too preoccupied to fill them.

All the friends who gave me referrals for the plastic surgeon. The surgeons who spoke to me and answered questions while they were on vacation by the beach.

The parents and boyfriend who offered assistance despite their own malady.

I’m still worried. Giant bottle of anxiety, worry and blame is contained inside. It seeps out and I turn avoidant. I still wish I could have a month off where I can turn off the world and its inhabitants. I wish I could rest.

But for now, I am grateful. I am truly blessed. This too, shall pass. All good things. All bad things. They must come and go.