
I tune out the radio as another DJ fakes enthusiasm for yet another smartphone. Bigger screen. Better camera! This one has 4 AI cameras! Voice activated. Your moves tracked and monitored!

Bigger screens = heavy phones and tired hands

Better cameras = more detail… but who really wants this unless you want to examine a growing cell under a microscope?

Who cares? Phones are expensive. Just the thought of replacing mine causes me financial heart burn.

Why do we care about the things that make us worse at being caring and attentive humn beings?

Losing it

I try to be as professional and calm as humanly possible. Decorum is underrated. Respect should be earned.

I couldn’t keep up the facade on this one particular afternoon. I decided to lose it. Enough is enough.

I threw up both hands and uttered, “whatever.”

As if I was 16. But it was the most appropriate thing to say. The recalcitrant individual walked away.

Good riddance.

Lose your shit. Sometimes it is the only thing that works.

Spring finally

The windows roll down as we speed down the road. Flowers getting ready to bloom fills the early evening air. Intoxicated with the promise of more evenings such as tonight, we stop holding our breaths. We exhale. We inhale. Ah, the sweet smell of life!

Negative correlation

The more YouTube videos I watch, the more I want to binge. It keeps suggesting more relevant content to suck me in. Great life advices are given and I love the short clips.

They all add up and I am hooked again!

Then I go cold turkey again. No more YouTube. No more Netflix

Why am I so much happier? Because I am busy living.