Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is synonymous with automation and simplification. Machine learning. Efficiency making. Saving valuable time. Time to rest. Time to do other value adding stuff.

At what cost?

I imagine AI causing chaos. Pitting people against one another. We don’t need nuclear weapon to destroy humanity. We just need one another to stop listening to opposing views and refuse to change our nonsensical views.

Wait… we don’t need terminators or AI. We are already living in the future. We have anonymous online accounts. We hide behind made up names and say things we would never utter in real life.

There will be fewer online attacks on one another if we are forced to wear our real faces and names instead of aliases. All comments and contents are linked to the person. The person is held accountable.

And I’d say we must do so immediately because our in person interaction are digital. One of most effective ways of being more kind to one another may be to be forced to wear our 3D faces on 2D screens.